
Every site is unique and has an inherent sense of place. I believe my role as landscape designer is to be able to identify these unique qualities and interpret them into designs that respond to the needs and aspirations of my clients.
How designs are expressed on the ground – whether as crisp and geometric shapes or more organic forms – will depend on each site and the mood we want to evoke – serious or frivolous, stimulating or soothing. 
A garden works best when it relates to its setting, both to the wider landscape and to any adjacent buildings. My practice is known for its unified approach, creating designs that work seamlessly with existing architecture. 
I enjoy gardens that engage all the senses. I love to use fragrance, sound and tactile experiences to affect mood and add richness to the design of the garden. I like a garden to unfold, to reveal and conceal its elements to invite discovery. I use lighting to extend the use of the garden and to add night-time drama.
In selecting materials and plants, I aim to reduce environmental impact. Where possible I re-use existing materials or source materials locally, and I choose plants that are largely self-sustaining and that encourage biodiversity.
